These tools should be illegal…
It comes to no surprise that running a successful business is now more competitive than ever. Companies who have been around longer than you have the advantage. They have larger budgets, bigger teams and expensive resources at their disposal.
Not only that, their websites have been around for years, growing their credibility with backlinks and referrals every day.
How do you even compete? Do you give up while you’re self-aware? Nonsense. We’ll give you 7 killer tools that will help your business website compete with the big guns, for free.
1. Hotjar
This is by far one of the best tools you can ever have for your website. Period.
Imagine spying (legally) on your customers’ exact movements on your website. You can see where they clicked, and when they clicked on your website.
Going a step further (and creepier), you can view recordings of your customers’ screens. Creepy right? Yes, it is legal. BUT, you need a pretty solid privacy policy in place on your website (think GDPR too).
Hotjar does more than this. Not only can you peek on your customers with heat-maps and recordings, but you can also perform surveys and collect emails. If you haven’t installed Hotjar yet, do it now!
There’s a free version that allows you to have up to 2000 pageviews per day.
2. SimilarWeb
It’s surprising that so many people don’t know this tool exists. What if I told you that you can see your competitors analytics? I mean their bounce rates, top countries, top referral sites, keywords they pay for and more?
This site should be illegal. It’s a complete giveaway into your competitors insights. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re in for a shock.
You can see what ads they use and pay for, their audience’s demographics and psychographics and so much more. I can’t justify how vital this is for marketing efforts in one article. With that said, take a look for yourself.
3. MozBar
Don’t live in ignorance and recreate the wheel by yourself — see what your competitors are doing. Piggyback from their large marketing teams and use it to your advantage.
There’s a reason why certain companies are so successful, and there’s a reason why they spend so much on marketing. Why not leverage that and do what they do, without spending a dime?
MozBar allows you to access website metadata on the fly. This means that you’ll be able to analyse your competitor’s websites directly. You can see things such as the keywords they use, metadata they feed into search engines and more!
It’s completely free. You only need Google Chrome to install this extension.
4. UberSuggest
This incredible tool allows you to discover effective keywords, content ideas, and suggestions for your website.
You’ll be able to understand which keywords generate the most traffic in your industry.
This tool was created by one of the world’s leading marketers Niel Patel, so it’s worth a shot if you’re new to the scene.
Don’t be mislead though — if a keyword has a high volume of traffic, that doesn’t mean it’s the best for your website. Sometimes the less competitive a keyword, the more valuable it’ll be for your SERP.
5. Answer The Public
Struggling for content ideas for your blog, eBook or video? This tool will come up with hundreds of content ideas focused around keywords in a matter of seconds.
If this is for one of your clients, and you’d like to add extra value, download a CSV of your search for free. Give this to them and they’ll think you’re a god.
6. Google Trends
Not only is this relevant for your content, but your entire business model. Google Trends is a little known tool that can help you discover what people want, and what people are searching for.
You’ll be able to see what topics and queries are trending in certain countries, regions and cities.
If you’re coming up with a new business idea, it’s best to couple Google Trends and Ubersuggest.
You can thank me later *winky face*
7. Schema Markup Generator
Let’s say you offer consulting services for home loans. Although your website may have a lot of keywords such as “home”, “loan”, and “consultation”, search engines may still be unsure of what your website offers.
I know right — it’s obvious. But to a robot, they need specific 0, 1, 0, yes, no responses. This is where schema comes in.
Schema helps search engines to understand what your website’s purpose is. It creates structured data to guide search engines where to place your website.
Creating schema is easier than you think. We use TechnicalSEO’s schema generator to create schema in minutes. This is a no fluff, easy to use tool with almost no learning curve.